"Hey sleepyhead. Jin. Wake up!"
"Heeeyyy. What time is it?" I asked yawning.
"Oh it's still early. I've already been home to pack and come back. I searched through my closet trying to find the perfect going home outfit. What do you think?
I know your mom's favourite colour is purple so I tried to keep that in mind."
"Gorgeous! But you are beautiful no matter what you wear."
"However, you might want to find something a little more warm. It's winter where we are going so perhaps something like pants and a sweater would be better?"
"Brrr-I can't imagine what it will be like. This winter you speak of does not sound appealing at all. I shall miss my constant warm sunny days here in France."
"Luckily, winter only lasts a short time where we are going and we have missed most of it while I have been here. I'm sure you will get used to it by the next winter. But in the meantime, we have two fireplaces to make it very cozy and homey; if you know what I mean."
"It will remind us of our time in front of the fire pit wouldn't you think?"
"Trust me, nothing could make me forget our time here. I'm going to get dressed, then I thought we could have breakfast at the cafe in town. How does that sound?" I asked her.
"Yes, I will just change in the room next door and meet you downstairs."
I finished up my plate of grape pancakes quickly as I was absolutely starved from little food I had consumed on the trip. Sun however seemed to be pushing her food around on her plate hardly eating at all. I sat there quietly and watched.
"Jin. I have something to tell you. I have butterflies in my stomach."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm nervous Jin. Nervous about meeting your parents. This is such an important decision, and a big step we are taking with our lives. What if they don't like me? What then?"
"Sun, I think the unknown is always a bigger enemy in our minds than the reality itself. You see my parents as famous artists, but in actual fact, they are just regular people like you and I. Fairly down to earth and easy to get along with."
"Yes, but that is easy for you to say, being their son, you have grown up with them, known them all your life. Now I am going to enter that world and disrupt the balance of things. Oh I don't know, maybe I am making a mountain out of a mole hill. I shall try to be on my best behaviour."
"I don't want you on your best behaviour. I want you to be yourself, for it is that person I know they will truly love," I replied.
Sun sighed. "I just wish these butterflies would go away and its not just your parents that are worrying me. Its what we have to do next that is my most immediate concern."
I looked at Sun in confusion and she smiled. "You need to meet my moms!"
"Oh," I said. "Yeah, I hadn't thought of that. Great, now I have butterflies!" Then we both laughed and Sun finished up her lunch.
"Ready?" she asked me.
"Ready as I will ever be," I replied.
"Mom, this is Jin."
"Jin, it's very nice to meet you. Sun has told us so many nice things about you."
"Its nice to meet you as well," I replied, not knowing exactly what to say. Those butterflies had multiplied in droves.
"What brought you to France Jin?"
"My parents. They told me it was part of my education, but I am also here to meet up with some of their old friends and collect supplies for the island and their artwork.
"Our Sun has been a big fan of the art world for years. She is not an artist herself but she definitely has followed your parents careers for the last few years."
"Mom," Sun groaned. "Please don't embarrass me!"
"You live on an island I hear? What is that like? Do you like living there?"
Before I could answer, Sun's older mother came in to the house and called my name. I excused myself to go and meet her, leaving Sun behind to talk to her mother.
"Bonjour Jin. Comment allez-vous?"
"I'm good. Bit nervous to be honest."
"Oh dear Jin. Don't be nervous, my sister and I don't bite. Much."
Then she laughed and I nervously laughed along with her.
"You know Jin. I must also be honest with you now. This has come as a great surprise to my sister and I. Sun has never been interested in any young boy before you. She has a great group of friends but never any boyfriends. I think she has always been waiting. Waiting for just the right one. Is that you Jin?"
"Yes, I believe it is," I replied hoping it was what she was looking to hear.
"She is our only child Jin. I need to know that no matter what you will take care of her. Raising a child you always know that someday you will have to let them go. But what you are asking Jin, this is very difficult for us."
" Ms Petit Godard, I love your daughter.
I know I haven't had a lot of life experience, but when I am with her, its like I've been waiting for her too. I promise to take care of her. No matter what life will bring. I have the best role models in that regard. I've never seen two people who love each other more than my parents. I want that for myself too."
Sun's mother eyed me for a moment then smiled.
"Then you have my blessing Jin. Please don't keep her away from us forever."
Just then Sun came to join us.
"Jin if you don't mind I think I would like to talk to my daughter alone to say goodbye."
I left them but stayed just on the other side of the open door waiting for Sun to join me.
From the room I heard Sun's mother address her.
"Sun, you don't have to do this. We can find another way."

"I shall miss you my darling daughter! We will always be here for you, if you ever need us."
Then Sun appeared at the door. She took my hand, smiled and we walked away, ready to begin our new lives together.
CC Used In This Chapter
The Party Dress for Sun-Disco Teen Outfit by Margeh75
Suns's Hair-Milady by Nightcrawler
Jin's Hair-Joey by Cazy