Oh please. I've got a woozy stomach just writing this.
So, my English teacher gave us a writing assignment to tell a story
where the character in the story would learn some sort of life lesson. She said a good story would teach that same life lesson to the reader as well. Or at least remind them of a time past where they had learned that same life lesson on their own. All I wanted to do was gag. I couldn't think of any life lessons I had learned. Not any good heart warming ones anyway.
All I kept thinking was, how had my father done this time and time again to produce one book after another?
So I figured I would just make some bull pucky up and grab my A that way. I wondered how many other kids were doing the exact same thing.

We chatted for a while but she kept moving closer to me and almost batting her eyelashes at me.
So I thought, it worked once so why not take a chance....
and what do you know! Boo ya!
She kissed me back then pulled away to say "Whew, I heard you could really kiss. Oh my!" I had to admit I was panting a little myself.
We discussed going out on a date, then she went home.

It didn't take long to complete but it was a simple and small rectangular pool. She told me to go out and give it a try, which I did. I was a very strong swimmer from swimming in the ocean against tides, so I wasn't worried about drowning. However I had never actually used a diving board before and half way down I realized, I had no idea what I was doing......

One belly flop later I was holding my tummy and no longer interested in swimming that day.
The following weekend, Mrs Monty informed me she would be spending the weekend away with some friends and I took that opportunity to plan a rocking pool party for all the teens at school. Unfortunately, Mrs Monty left Valentine behind to keep an eye on me, but considering he was a ghost, he did promise he would stay out of site as much as possible. In fact, he actually went out for most of the evening which suited me just fine.
There must have been at least fifteen kids who showed up and
considering just a month previous I had been without a friend in the world, I was really impressed. Caeruleus, took the time to give me the "low down" on all the kids that had arrived, then spent the night keeping Cherry and Maria busy so I could meet the rest of the girls. It wasn't really that difficult as he was a fairly popular guy in school, an awesome dancer and very charismatic. I was actually a little jealous of him.
Most of the guests stayed on till the morning, dancing, eating and swimming. Although I think the keg of juice brought by one of the guests, may have had some influence on that. Some passed out on the dance floor, slept for a moment and got back up to dance some more.

Just before Caeruleus passed out for good on the dance floor, he introduced me to Ally Watson. I brought her a drink and struck up a conversation with her. By then we were down to only seven remaining friends, most who were passed out on the floor sleeping and the sun was just beginning to come up.
After chatting with her for a while I asked her if she wanted to see my teen hangout upstairs, since she hadn't been over yet and she said yes, with a smile I might add.
**just a note from bmit04, I don't support teenage promiscuity, but teen relations are unfortunately apart of our society and I work to keep the story as real to life as possible. There are no posed shots for this part, nor any nudity in my story. Just regular game play. My apologies if I offend anyone here, that is not my intention.
Upstairs, I started flirting with her and she asked to see my room. A little more flirting, a little massage.......

bingo bango
I was a little dazed to say the least. Heart pounding the whole time, some from fear and some from pure excitement. Then quick as that, it was all done. I successfully had my first time.
Ally got up from the bed, thanked me for a great party and said she needed to get home. I considered just going to sleep, but as I was the host, I figured I had better get downstairs and see what was going on. I found Caeruleus standing by the food buffet looking at the food which was starting to spoil.
"Well?" he asked.
I tried to keep a straight face hoping to keep him guessing, but I just couldn't resist smiling.

"How was it? I told you didn't I?" he said rather proudly.
"Oh man! Best day of my life I'm telling you! I never knew it was going to be like that!" I replied.
"So spill, who was your first?" I asked him.
"Oh I've never done it," he replied.
"Wwwhat? Then what was all this about pushing me to do it when you never have?"
"It's different for me Jin. Fairies never....do that until they find their life long mate. It's like our strictest code. To do otherwise, well it's just not done, by any fairy that I know of. I mean it CAN be done, it's not like it doesn't, uh work down there. It's just that, well- it has to do with our powers, so it's hard to explain to a human."
"So, so you've never?"
"Nope and I won't till it's time."
"But what if you never find, like THE one."

"Then we die a very unhappy fairy." and he burst out laughing.
Caeruleus left to go home then and I was suddenly so exhausted all I wanted to do was go to bed. But on my way there I was stopped by a very angry ghost.
"Jin. What were u thinking?"
"What? What did I do!"
"I just spent an hour of my time on the phone with some very very angry parents whose daughter came home very juiced. Where did that keg come from?"
"I don't know. One of my friends brought it."
Valentine gave Jin a stern look. "C'mon Jin. I'm not dumb you know."
"I swear. I didn't know they were bringing it."
"Well regardless," said Valentine. "I still have one very upset parent. So you are grounded for the rest of the weekend."

"No Jin. End of discussion. Your plans for this weekend have changed. You will be very busy cleaning and doing homework, so I suggest you get started before Mrs Monty gets home."
So that is exactly what I did....for the ENTIRE weekend. I swear Valentine deliberately made things dirty just so I would have more to clean.
Needless to say I was really happy when the weekend was over.
Monday morning, everyone was hanging out behind the school passing the time until the bell rang, when Jesse suddenly said,
"Hey look!" pointing towards the girls.
I turned around just in time to see Ally lean over and look Cameron directly in the eyes.
"Oh Cameron. Were you so wrong. So ho ho ho ho wrong!

He is SO not gay! I wonder how you ever came to that conclusion."
Then she sighed as if she was just then remembering the moment we had been together.
"Well," said Cameron ever so calmly. "At least you got the HO part right!"
Then Ally smiled this, well I don't really know what kind of smile that was to be honest. One of those silent female conversation things that guys can never ever understand. She marched over, grabbed me and kissed me in this hot, sexy way in front of the whole school.
She turned around to look at Cameron, who had jumped to her feet with this look of hurt and shock on her face. Ally wiggled her fingers at her in a mocking kind of wave and carried on to join her group of friends.
Just for a moment, I actually felt kind of bad for Cameron, for she looked like she was going to cry. She ran off in the opposite direction Ally had walked, with Sarah following close behind her. Needless to say, after that no one guessed my gender preference and for that I was extremely grateful to Ally.
CC Included In This Chapter
Ally Watson
Cameron by ddutoit
Berry Red (Cherry in this story)

Caeruleus Alula (blue skin in studio)
Sarah Sims
Wow! This chapter started out poetically and ended with a bang! lol I just knew Jin was going to find some trouble. :D
ReplyDeleteOh, just wait RM. Juuuusssst wait!
DeleteOoooooooooooh nooooooooooooooo! lol :D I don't know if I can wait!
DeleteCaeruleus made me laugh. What a tricky little guy he is. With encouraging Jin to let things go, he made an experience, he can't make by himself through a substitute, so to speak. And of course he will stay "clean. Nice. Jin is blue-eyed, but I'm sure, he will figure out, that physical attraction without deeper feelings makes empty, not filled. It's a lesson to learn for lots of people. Besides, I wonder how the encounter with this "supernaturals" will work out for him. With my knowledge about the fate of his parents, especially Valentine, the ghost. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. At last, this first woohoo was very well behaved. Usually my simmies do otherwise. :-)
ReplyDeleteAwesome story, very well written.. I was able to see the personalities of the characters..
ReplyDeleteNot surprised what happened with Ally, Teens drinking, partying, and then want to see your room…Not a smart mix.. lol :) Awesome update!
Thank you!
DeleteUh oh. I hope Jin didn't get into too much trouble! ;)