Thursday, 30 April 2015

#Midnight Sun Challenge Chapter 2.5 The Pink Full Moon

The night of the first full moon was the most eerie night we had experienced, and left us feeling like strangers on an island we knew so well and had made a home.  The slightly cloudy sky was tinted a pinkish red, that reflected the same onto the water and gave the impression the moon was resting on a very foggy horizon. Never had we seen a moon like that, nor so big-anywhere. It was mesmerizing, yet ominous, to say the least.

The moon and the sky should have just been a beautiful moment in our lives that we captured on film and perhaps hung on our walls to remember this one night we were almost in essence, visited by the moon.  Yet it was what came after, that brought the sense of eerieness under our skin and a quickening to our heart and senses. Fear took over the island.

On any normal night, the wild life on the island became alive, foraging for food, engaging in friendly social activity or sleeping soundly and peacefully under the bright sky filled with stars. Yet outside under the glow of the pink sky, the animals became restless, darting this way and that looking for, what seemed to be a safe place to hide. With their ears perked listening for every sound and noses to the air, their every movement was clearly on alert.  It was almost as if the animals knew what was coming, knew danger was on its way.

*          *          *          *          *          *           *          *          *          *          *          *         

"Dad, supper is ready," I said pulling his concentration from his computer.  Dad had been furiously typing away on his computer since day had begun to turn to night.  He asked mom to make supper because he said he had words in his head he just had to get into the computer for a new book.

"Thank you Jin.  Please tell your mother I will be there in a moment.  I just have a few more things I need to get down."  I walked away and left my father to do his work as he began to furiously type again.

Maya had made us a simple supper, too distracted by the changing light and the animals outside to focus on anything more.  She stood at the bay window to watch the animals scurrying around in the darkened yard, clutching her arms around herself as if she had become cold. The wind had picked up a little, bringing a cooler breeze to the night, yet the boat itself was still warm from the hot sun of the day. The hottest we had experienced, since we landed on the island. There had been no breeze all day long and very little sound.  Even the small waves seem to roll up onto the beach silently.  It was as if the water almost stood still.  No rustling of leaves, no chirping of birds or insects.  Just silence.  It should have been a clue that something was coming, but as new residents to the island, how were we to know?

By the time we had finished our meal and the dishes had been cleared away, the wind had begun to have a sound to it that almost made you believe you were hearing voices on a soft echo.  Maya visibly shivered but then looked to Jin and smiled.  

"Its funny how the wind can make you think you are hearing things isn't it?"  she asked.  "I'm sure it's just the sound of the wind through the leaves of the plants and the trees.  There won't be anything there.  Don't worry."

Perhaps if mom had just smiled and given me a hug I wouldn't even have thought anything of it.  But it was her "don't worry" part that actually now had me worried.  She was obviously feeling a little freaked by the night and it did nothing to make me feel safe.  We decided that we should head upstairs for an early night when suddenly the door burst open and in dashed Socks!  

Her chest was heaving and her nostrils flared in fright.  She looked around the house till she settled her eyes on me and quickly made her way over to me.  Dad came racing from his office to see what had happened and cautioned me to not touch her.  "Animals in fright can be very dangerous," he said to me.  But then Socks nuzzled my side and I couldn't help but stroke her neck to help calm her down.  

"Can she sleep in the house dad?  Just for tonight.  She is really scared and I will feel better knowing she is safe in here with us."

Dad looked like he was going to protest, but then mom said "What harm could she really do? She is just a baby after all."  She gave him one of her looks and he agreed, but just for one night.

Mom checked to make sure Aria and Sophie were still in the house while dad went to lock the doors. Mom went to turn off the lights and when she passed the bay window she saw something outside.

It was a white horse, glowing so bright it seemed brighter than the moon. 

It raised its head and let out a really long, loud whinny before racing across the yard and disappearing into thin air.  We thought we had all imagined it, so we watched and waited to see if the white horse would re appear.  It never did.  

Dad whispered quietly to mom, that he wondered if the appearance of the white horse had anything to do with Boots suddenly seeking shelter and safety.  She thought perhaps he was correct and was thankful that she had a safe place to go to.  They couldn't see the other horses anywhere and wondered if they had found a safe place to hide, if they needed to hide at all.

Sophie, who had been pacing around the house from room to room, and barking at the windows, finally settled herself down on the seat by the bay window.  

Aria continued to stare and growl in low tones that kept raising the hairs on the back of my neck.  I've heard that cats can see ghosts; was that what was happening?

It started to really bug dad so he started turning off the lights and looking out the windows to see if he could see something.  It was when he looked out the kitchen window that he got the scare of his life.  There on the deck of the ship, was a three headed horse!

The horses kept fading in and out as if three objects were trying to occupy time and space in the same spot but weren't quite able to do so.  At least that is what dad said.  All three were raising their heads in unison to whinny very sorrowfully to the sky; which was a loud and frightening noise to say the least.  He reasoned that it really couldn't be a three headed horse and that his eyes must be playing tricks on him because of the darkness and the strange light coming from the moon.  He said we would sort it out in the morning when we would be able to see everything clearly in the light.

Boots had made herself quite comfortable on the floor by the drafting table, so we decided we should head upstairs and try to get some sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night I was woken up by Sophie rolling over in bed.  

I sat up and looked around finding Aria sleeping on the floor.  I smiled over the thought that Sophie had regained her spot on the bed. 

It was nearly light out which meant that morning was soon upon us. I figured it would be safe now to go downstairs to get a glass of water.

Looking outside at the island through the kitchen window, I saw a little girl standing near the edge of the water by our dock.  

She was just standing there still as can be and staring at the boat. I was curious as to where a little girl had come from and considered waking dad, but decided to investigate it on my own.

I walked up to her slowly and tried to introduce myself to her.

"Hi.  My name is Jin.  What's your name?"

The little girl smiled at me and then looked at the boat.

"Are you lost?  Where are your parents?"

Again the little girl just smiled at me.  Then she walked towards the dock across our deck and into our house.  I didn't follow at first so I had to run to catch up to her.  By the time I got in the house, she was already half way up the stairs, so I raced after her.  She walked down the hallway, into my parents room and then, walked right through the outside wall!  I stopped, stunned at what I had just witnessed! Then it occurred to me that she wasn't actually walking, I think she was almost floating.  Plus she had this tiny bright light just above her head.  I was so freaked that I ran back to my room, jumped into bed and threw the covers over my head.  I couldn't wait for this night to be over!

Before long night turned to morning and I heard my parents downstairs making their usual breakfast noises.  Sophie came in to my room bringing me the paper. 

It was yesterdays paper, but it was the thought that counts.  

I raced downstairs to tell them all that had happened in the night. Of course I got in really big trouble for leaving the house in the dark. I'm talking a big long lecture about keeping me safe, and it was time I started being more responsible.  A lesson they felt I needed to learn by doing more chores and more school work.  Oh and I was grounded from going outside for the rest of the day.  Just yay!  
My parents were really intrigued by the little girl with the bright light on her head though.  I hoped that I never saw her again!

We carried on with our morning chores, feeding the chickens and collecting the eggs.  Mom checked on her plants 

and I fed Sockss her breakfast bottle that she was loudly complaining about.

As soon as I finished getting the bottle into her, it began to loudly down pour outside.  I begged dad to let Sockss stay inside with us, but he wouldn't budge and led her outside to join the other two horses.  I was really mad at my dad and stormed off to my room. Sitting on my desk was my dad's computer and I sat there for a moment trying to decide if I should do what I was thinking.

As far as I was concerned he deserved it, so I did a little something and then booby trapped dad's computer!  That is what you get dad for being so mean to Socks!

After that I felt much better so I decided to take Sophie outside to do her business and I was just in time too because from upstairs I heard my father yell "Jiiinnnnn!!!"  I scooped up Sophie and ran out the door.  

You see I decided that this journal entry telling my version of our first full moon, fit very nicely in the middle of my father's new mystery novel he had been typing away at last night!  Probably wasn't the wisest decision I ever made.  Now excuse me because I had better hide!

ThanX to all my readers and friends for following along with the story!  Now just below you can leave me a little comment by clicking on No Comments or comments (depending on if you are first) and perhaps click on the G+1 to recommend me to the public!  Plus if you enter in your email up top (totally private no worries) you can receive alerts when there is a new post.  You are the best!!

CC Used In This Chapter

Contemporary Carpet 12  by PralineSims
(In Foyer)

Monday, 27 April 2015

#Midnight Sun Challenge Chapter 2.4 Do It My Way

After mom left my room, all I kept thinking about was those horses out there all alone in the dark. Was socks scared?  I worried about it and so badly wanted to go see her, but dad had been very clear; to stay away from the horses until they knew us better.  So I tried to put her out of my mind and go to sleep.  Tonight Sophie was sleeping on the floor beside my bed, ousted by a very upset Aria who had been ignored all day while we were outside.  

Sophie wasn't happy, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.   I fell asleep to the sounds of Sophie snoring on the floor and Aria purring into my side.

I woke around two in the morning.  Aria had left my bed but Sophie was still on the floor.  Thoughts of Socks came back into my mind and again the worrying began niggling at my mind.  I decided to forget what dad said!   I was determined to go and see if Socks was safe, but as I went to leave my room, I heard all these strange noises coming from my parents bedroom.  Drats!  I closed my bedroom door and crawled back into bed. What on earth were they doing at two in the morning that was so dang important!  I would just have to wait them out.   There was no point in trying to sneak out now, for I would never make it without them hearing me. My mom had this sense of when I was doing something I shouldn't be.  She called it her third eye, but my only hope was that the eye was also sleeping when she was.

Around four in the morning, all seemed quiet from the direction of my parents room, and I tip toed down the stairs and out the door onto the deck.  I realized when I got out of bed, that it wasn't just my mother I was sneaking past but Sophie as well.  Her long toe nails made tip tip tip sounds on the wood flooring that echoed thru the entire house.  I really must have those trimmed!  I managed to make it though and when I stepped outside I saw, Socks with the two older horses and the two deer sleeping together in a group on the grass.  I wasn't quiet enough though, because the minute I stepped off the dock, they awoke with a start and when running towards the beach.

I really didn't mean to scare them.  I carefully crept towards the beach so I could find a place to sit down and watch them.  Sitting still, the horses watched me eyeing me with nervous thoughts, while their flanks shook.  

I spoke to them very softly and quietly, gaining success as they moved closer to me a little at a time. Then when I thought the time was righ, I slowly stood up and offered the horse an apple.  She took it!

Dad didn't have a clue what he was talking about.  This was going to be easier than I thought.  Just a little before full daylight, I got exactly what I wanted!  Socks let me, rub her neck.  

I was feeling pretty proud of myself, until my parents saw me through the window. Boy was I in big trouble!!

I flashed my cute puppy dog eyes at mom, (Sophie taught me that one) while I said I was sorry, but it didn't exactly go as planned. I was grounded from going outside for the rest of the day. Mom said it was time I had more responsibility and marched me up to the third floor.  There she made me listen to a gardening lesson and help her plant this years vegetables.  

Then she told me she would no longer be taking care of the chickens.  I would be. Great, just great. 

I did find a really pretty pink exotic egg.  Boo YA!!

After that I tried to crawl into bed for a nap but she stopped me and gave me a gardening book to read.  

She told me I had to have chapter one done by the time dad was done supper. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, so it took me the rest of the day to get it read and absorbed. Knowing mom, there would be a test. 

After supper, some goopy noodle stuff that is not my favourite meal, I snuck out of the house while mom and dad were both busy in the shower.  I didn't know that two people could fit in that small shower! 

I ran down to the sandbox and built a statue of my own.  So there mom!  Better than some boring castle. 

I hope it scared mom when she saw it.  Then I raced back in before they knew I was gone.

For the next two days, we had some really bad rain and thunderstorms on the island which kept us inside.  I was really disappointed because I wanted to get outside to spend more time with socks.  I was worried she would forget about me and I would have to start over, only this time it would be harder because I would need to be even sneakier when I did it.  Dad tried to keep me busy by helping me work on my logic skills. 

I spent a lot of time watching the horse run around on the island in the rain and being scared by the lightning. 

I felt so bad for them and asked my dad several times if there wasn't something we could do to help them.  

He assured me the horses were just fine on the island before we got here, and they would be fine now. I didn't believe him, especially not after hearing socks whinny every time the thunder rolled.  I was worried they would get hit by the lightning.  Dad told me that lightning strikes the tallest object which meant that the trees, the light house or the boat would get hit and not the animals on the island.  That didn't help because then I started worrying about us!  

Two days later, I woke up to dad's voice calling me from outside. I quickly dressed and ran outside to discover the rain had stopped and it was a slightly sunny day.  I looked around for the horses and found them all the be safe.  Dad said that he was really proud of me for having such compassion for the horses and that showed just how big a heart I had beating in my chest.  So since I was so worried we were going to help the horses by feeding them hay and clean drinking water.  He had me help him scatter the hay, 

and when we were done, he modified the tap on the water trough so that it would fill on its own. 

The big horses came to eat right away but the baby horse refused to eat the hay.  Dad took a look at the female horses and said neither one of them had given birth and therefore couldn't be socks mommy.  He decided we should try bottle feeding her and you know what??  Socks doesn't like my mom!!!  

Dad said I could try while he supervised and she came to me right away.  She was a very hungry baby!  

I got lots of nuzzles after she was done the bottle!  I wonder where her mommy is.

Plus the big horse remembered me too.  

I really need to come up with some names for these horses.

Now all I need to do is work on those deer! Oh, and ah, remember to collect those eggs too.  Ooops!

Poor Sophie!  I was so busy focusing on the horses, that I didn't even notice that she had fleas!  She came up to dad whimpering and he noticed them right away. 

He took her inside and gave her a bath which she really enjoyed! 

Afterwards I decided to spend the rest of the day with her.

Just before I went to bed I snuck back to the sandbox to make another sand statue.  MOM!!  There, where my scary snowman had sat, was a very large castle!!  Nicer than the one she built the first time.

Guess it didn't scare mom after all!

ThanX to all my readers and friends for following along with the story!  Now just below you can leave me a little comment by clicking on No Comments or comments and perhaps click on the G+1 to recommend me to the public!  Plus if you enter in your email up top (totally private no worries) you can receive alerts when there is a new post.  You are the best!!

Friday, 24 April 2015

#Midnight Sun Challenge Chapter 2.3 Our New Home!

I was having the time of my life!  Running through the tall grass, I was scaring up all kinds of butterflies and grasshoppers that skittered out of my way to avoid being stomped on.  I was in the middle of a race, chasing Sophie as she barked in happy tones as if to say "look out here I come and hurry up Jin!"  I had no idea where I was going, as my view of the distance beyond Sophie was just a light blue blur with green undertones for grass.  But I was happy, so very happy.  I felt free.  I felt happy.  I felt alive!

Then suddenly I stopped, for in the distance I could hear my mother's voice echoing in the soft breeze, first quietly then more strongly as I turned this way and that.  "Mom, where are you?"

"Jinnnn.  It's time to wake up.  Wake up sleepyhead.  We're here!"

Away went the bright blue sky and the green grass and I awoke to see my mother kneeling on the ground beside me.  

Earlier, my parents had tried to get me to go back to bed, but I resisted saying I wanted to see our new home as soon as we arrived.  Yet the sandman had won the battle of my fight against my bobbing head and the potent sleep drugs filling my body.

I jumped out of the chair and went to the railing, only to remember that the helm was at the front of the ship and we had backed into the dock. 

"Can we go now?"  I asked.

"I think we should wait till it gets a little more light out," said dad.

"Ahhh, please!"

"No.  We will wait like your father says.  Lets go and have some breakfast and by the time we are done, it should be light enough to go and explore"

I was very disappointed, as waiting for things is really not my thing, but then mom asked what I would like for breakfast, and downstairs we went to make waffles.

By the time we sat to eat it was already light out, so I rushed through my breakfast as quick as I could.  

Dad still wouldn't let me go because he said he wanted to check out the island first to make sure it was safe for me and Sophie.  I paced the inside of the house for what seemed like forever and in my frustration, I decided I would get back at my dad by putting a whoopy cushion in his favourite sitting spot.  

Finally, we heard dad calling to us and I ran outside into the warm sun and even brighter sky!  

It was like paradise, full of trees and plants and even a waterfall! That was the end of my fascination of our new world because I suddenly saw the basketball net!! 

Dad and I started a game and continued to play till almost lunch. I think that all my dance practice really paid off because I was able to really jump up to the net!  Better than dad I'd say.   I can't tell you how much fun it is to run outside!

Mom kept herself busy by looking around the island and playing with her bean bag.  

She looked so happy, younger even, like some weight had been lifted or some worry was suddenly gone.  Seeing her like that made me even happier, which was amazing considering how happy I already was.

Suddenly we all realized that we were no longer alone on the island.  While we laughed and played, two horses and some deer had made their way out from hiding to look at us from a closer distance.

The deer is not quite ready to be friends, but that is okay with me.

Eventually we will become good friends if I have anything to say about it.

Soon it was high noon (that's what dad calls it) and we were all feeling the hot sun beating down on our heads.  Dad suggested we check out the beach.  There's a beach???

The island was a lot bigger than I thought!  The water looked so inviting that we all changed into our suits and waded into the water. This was my first time, and I was a little scared so I stayed close to the beach until I felt more secure.  Mom told me I was a natural.  She said if I could balance on the tips of my toes, I could certainly balance in water, and she was right.  Swimming is more fun than I ever dreamed!

Sophie started to whine really loudly.  She wouldn't come into the water no matter how much I coaxed her to and I couldn't stand listening to her cry.  I decided she was more important than swimming and came out to play fetch with her on the beach. 

It didn't last long since it was so hot.  She left me to go and  find some shade. If only she had just come into the water with me!

Mom brought out her blow up bed and was quite content floating around on the water. 

Dad came out of the water because he had just spied something he hadn't yet seen.  

Around the side of the island we saw the two horses from before, but with them...was a foal!

She was so pretty with a white face and four white feet.  I wanted to keep her and call her socks, but dad said we couldn't. Just because she was on the island, didn't mean she belonged to us.  He said, if we were lucky and respected her space, she would hopefully stay and live with us on the island.  I guess I will just have to be happy with that.  He told me to stay away until the horse parents understood we meant no harm to them.  That was going to be a real challenge! She was just so cute I wanted to hug her and pet her.  I hope Sophie doesn't chase them and scare them away.

Needing a distraction, I set to making a sand castle in the sandbox on the beach.  Seems silly to have a sandbox on the sandy beach, don't you think?  I did notice however, that this sand was much softer than the beach sand, and I loved the feel of it as it trickled through my fingers.  

I never did make that castle after all.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow.  Unless your mother decides to sit down and finish it for you! MOM!!

We finished off the day sitting by the fire and
roasting marshmallows.  

Mine didn't go so well as you can see.....

Later when mom was tucking me into bed, I asked her if this was the place we were going to stay.  

"Yes of course.  Don't you like it here?"

"I love it here! This is the best place ever!" 
(Hey, I'm only 5 after all)

"Well good.  Then it is settled.  Good night Jin.  Sweet dreams," she said to me.

"Night mom."

Just before I sign off, I do want to point out, that just as I said, mom did find a way to get that jungle climber for Aria.  

Of course it only took a whole new island to do it!


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8 Seductive Pose Pack  by MartyP