The night of my fifth birthday, I laid awake and thought about how great things were going to be. No school meant so much time for fun. I was going to practice my dancing, battle it out on the game station, read all my favourite books, and play as much as I could with Sophie.
Instead, I find myself doing a lot of this:
Turns out no school didn't actually mean no school. Mom is quite the slave driver when she wants to be. Seriously, why do I need to learn this stuff to live on the island? Mom said that although it seemed safe living here, it didn't mean we were safe. To be safe, we needed all the knowledge possible. She said something about history doomed to repeat itself, but I wasn't listening because I had just seen the very large math book she shoved across the table to me. Numbers! Yeck!
When I have done a good job, I get rewarded with time to play with Sophie.
Like training a dog! When Sophie is a good girl I give her a treat and rub her belly, which is her favourite thing! Where is my treat to go along with the reward mom?
Saturdays I spend with dad. We get up really early, and he takes me to our little island to fish.
He tells me all about growing up on the farm with his parents and how much they would have loved me. I think growing up on the farm sounds like heaven. At least there he was around people. I'm starting to find life on the island a little bit boring. Its so quiet! As long as you tune of the sounds of my parents kissing noises. Blach! I'm thankful I have Sophie, because without her, I would be really bored.
Once winter settled in, going outside wasn't as much fun anymore for me or for Sophie. So I had to make my own fun. Mom suggested I try painting, which I did and found I wasn't half bad at it.

I shouldn't say its been all boring here on the island. We had a really nasty fire on the third level which gave us all a scare. We didn't notice it right away until we smelled the smoke.
Dad rushed up there to put it out and out of the blue, a fire fighter showed up, but by then dad had already put out the entire fire.
Then you know what happened? That fire fighter gave dad a really stern lecture! Not about fire safety or improper use of the fireplace. No. He was mad because dad had put the fire out before he had time to get there!
I'm still trying to figure out how the fire fighter got there in the first place. Question: is magic really real? Something for me to research I think. Anyway, after that dad installed a fire alarm so that we would always know if there was another fire. Later I heard mom and dad talking about the need for me to learn about fire safety as well. Great! More learning. Just can't wait to see what kind of project mom will come up with for that!
I complain a lot about things, but mom has been really great. She really likes being a stay at home mom. I know, because she tells me that all the time. I think she is just
trying to make me feel safe, but I do believe her. Since we got back from Paris, I haven't seen her really do any work. When she isn't fawning (my new word for the week) all over my dad, she gives me all her attention.
Oh, I almost forgot. I got new bedroom furniture!
It was more for Sophie than it was for me really. Sophie's bed was on the floor beside my bed, but she spent a lot of the night crying and I wasn't getting any sleep.
I told mom and dad that I didn't think she liked being in her bed on the floor, and asked if she could sleep in my bed. But Sophie and I didn't fit in my little bed. So mom said it was time I went into a grown up bed. She moved my boat bed to the spare bedroom with the crib and now Sophie sleeps with me.
One of my favourite times of the day, is after supper when we all sit by the fire and watch the flames, while we talk about our day.
I usually sit on the floor with my sketch pad or snuggle in with dad. It's really warm and I wish I could sit there all day. The boat is nice but it sure could be a bit warmer! I walk around in a thick heavy sweater most of the day just to stay warm. Sometimes even my coat!
Lately I've noticed that mom has been napping, a lot! At first I just thought she was tired from all her hard work all day long, but now I am not so sure. Dad sits with her and just stares at her. Not in that weird sort of way he normally does.
He almost looks worried. So now I don't know if I should be worried. He tells me there is nothing for me to worry about. I just don't know. She doesn't act like she is sick. Could she be?
One morning I woke up, came downstairs and went looking for her but couldn't find her. I started to panic, but told myself to stop. I found her sitting outside on the deck waving her arms in the air like
she was doing an invisible painting.

Later, I found her sitting on the floor by the fire with her sketch pad. That is something I haven't seen her do in a really long time. She seemed really happy and excited about whatever it was she was drawing. I decided to leave her alone and not bother her.
After that I found her up in the middle of the night at the drafting table. I came downstairs because I wanted a glass of milk. She was thinking really hard, and didn't even hear me walk up to her.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked her.
"What am I doing?" she said correcting me. "Well, I am trying to draw a lighthouse, but I haven't actually paid any attention to them before, so I don't know if I am doing a very good job."
"Why are you drawing that then?" Mom gave me a funny look and I corrected myself by saying, "Are you drawing a lighthouse for a specific reason?"
"Much better. Your father and I are not quite ready to tell you, but I will tell you this; its a surprise!"
My face lit up at the word surprise and my mind filled with all kinds of questions.
"Now, it's very late and someone should be fast asleep." Giving me a quick hug, she turned me around and gave me a little nudge in the direction of the stairs.
"Good night," she said to me.
"Night mom."
Yeah right! Like I was going to sleep after tell me that. Light house, lighthouse? Hmmm, perhaps we were going to be taking a trip. A trip would be good I'd tell ya. Get off this boring, quiet island. Stuck inside all the time with nothing to do! I really hope its a trip, that would be the best surprise ever! Just as long as Sophie can come. If Sophie can't come then I'm not going.
A few weeks later, I went to bed as usual, but sometime around two in the morning, I woke up with this funny feeling. I've never been sea sick before so I didn't think that was it. I got out of bed and I couldn't stand up straight. I called for mom because I was afraid to walk but she must not have heard me. So I very carefully made my way out of the bedroom.
"Mommmm!" I said yelling down the stairs. But there was no answer.
Okay this boat was definitely moving I thought. What is going on?I went up to the third floor and found mom and dad standing at the helm of the ship.
"What's going on?" I asked them.
I must have scared mom because she jumped and it was funny.
"Oh Jin," she said. "You startled me! We were hoping you would keep sleeping till the morning."
"The boat rocking woke me up. Where are we going?"
"It was going to be a big surprise when you woke up. Oh well I guess it was a nice thought."
"Okay! But where are we going!!"
"Jin, we.................are MOVING!"
Embrace by Spladoum
Pose Set 002 by collin2
Great job, love the little beagle dog. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh moving! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteAdorable story!