The next morning I woke with such anticipation for my day! I still had plenty of hills to scour for supplies, so after a quick breakfast, I headed out hoping to be done all I needed to do by dinner time. It was a struggle trying to stay focused on the task at hand, and I kept looking up to the sun trying to determine the time by the sun's position in the sky. If I called too early, I would seem too eager, but if I waited too long, she could make plans with someone else. A girl as beautiful and wonderful as she was, probably didn't spend a lot of nights at home!
I continued on picking supplies and even dug up some treasure,
but once it became noon I couldn't wait any longer. So I pulled out my phone and gave her a call.
She answered on the second ring.
"Jin! Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?" (How are you?)
"I'm good. Ah, es- tu bien?" (are you well?)
"I am thank you! What have you been up this morning?"
"Just collecting more supplies for my parents. It's taking longer than I thought it would. Paris is bigger than I thought it was by looking on a map."
Sun giggled "Hmmm, that it is."
"I was wondering if you were busy tonight? We can go anywhere you want to go. Your choice."

"The cemetery? Why?"
"I'm going to show you how we kids from Paris have a good time. See you then!"
Then she was gone. I stared at the phone thinking, what fun can you have at a cemetery?
Since I was close to the camp, I headed back, had a bite to eat and took a shower. What to wear was the question. It was a date after all and I didn't want to dress down too much, but yet she had said clothes I could get dirty in. I decided to dress in regular clothes, still skeptical of the mischief one could get in at a cemetery. I looked at the time and realised I still had four hours to go till our date. I tried chilling in the tent, but the silence had my mind going to all differing kinds of thoughts that only made me more and more anxious. I needed to work off some of the nervous energy and to do that, I headed back out into the hills to do more supply hunting.
By the time eight was rolling around I was close enough to the cemetery to see Sun come walking up and realised I was definitely overdressed for whatever she had in mind. I quickly changed into my work out clothes and met her by the building. She greeted me with a kiss to the cheeks.
"So, what are we doing here?" I asked her
"This is where we teens come to test our whit and bravery."
"In a cemetery? C'mon Sun, I'm not afraid of ghosts. I don't even believe in ghosts."
"Who said anything about ghosts?" she said then laughed. "Behind me is the catacombs and anyone who wants to hang with us, has to take up the challenge of touring them all the way through."
"Really? So what is down there then? A bunch of your friends ready to jump out and say boo?"
"Just you and me tonight mon amour. But if you are too scared, you don't have to do it......"
I stared at Sun for a moment and studied her face looking for any sign of deception or hint as to what I may be walking in to. Looking at the tall wooden door, I took a big breath, nudged Sun aside and walked in.
Sun saluted me just as the door closed behind me.
It was dark and the noises coming from down below were definitely eerie, but I was determined to show her that I was no coward. Pffft, let's face it, I was trying to show myself too.
Over the loud noises I could hear Sun laughing her head off as she reported what I was doing to all her friends over texting.
The deeper I went, the darker it became which meant in some places the only way through was to walk by holding onto the outer walls. In other places I went on a leap of faith, walking through with arms extended and completely blind to what was in front of me. I was determined to make it all the way through.
A thought crossed my mind, how would she know that I had actually toured them all the way through. But, just as I was thinking it, there was a large explosion and a bright burst of light. I walked out then, clothes shredded from the explosion, with dirt and ash covering my body.
As I retold the story of my tour to Sun, she began to laugh heartily
"Hey c'mon that is not funny!"
"I'm sorry Jin!" Then she hid her giggles behind her hand.
"Let's go to the camp so you can get cleaned up. Follow me."
Back at the camp, I headed for a shower while she lit the fire.
Clean once again, we shared another meal of roast veggies, which I burned this time. Unlike Sun, I was not able to eat it, so I threw it out and stuffed my belly full of marshmallows.
Later, we laid under the stars
telling each other our life stories
and a few secrets. It was a
magical night and I had never felt
so close to anyone outside of my
family as I did with her.
Before I knew it, she was saying it was time to leave and I didn't want her to go!
"Stay with me tonight," I said to her.
"Jin I-"
"Stay," I whispered to her.
"I will," she whispered back to me. "But sleep is all I will do."
"Sleep is all I ask. I just want to hold you all night long."
Sun sighed and looked at me lovingly while she stroked my cheek.
Lying there beside her, I tried to push aside all thoughts and feelings of how it would be leaving her and possibly never seeing her again. Never getting the chance to hold her like this. I leaned in to kiss her and she responded back to me. All I wanted was to show her was how much she meant to me.
Now, I know what you are thinking. But we kept it PG and it was one great make out session!! Hey, what do you expect? I am a guy after all! We fell asleep in each others arms.
When I woke up in the morning, she was gone.
ThanX to all my readers and friends for following along with the story! Now just below you can leave me a little comment by clicking on No Comments or the little pencil (depending on if you are first) and perhaps click on the G+1 to recommend me to the public! Plus if you enter in your email up top (totally private no worries) you can receive alerts when there is a new post. You are the best!!
Custom Content Used In This Chapter
Sun's hair (braid) by Alesso
Pose Pack 02 by Tinu (female lying on floor)
Love when they layed on the floor watching stars! What a photo! So expressive! <3