The lazy days of summer had quickly turned to the chilly days of fall, which saw the trees turning to beautiful autumn colours, and the packing away of all things summer. Before we knew it, winter was soon to be upon us.
Winter was an elusive concept for me, as I had never truly experienced it, or at least had retained no memories of it. My first actual winter we spent in Paris, where it was sunny and warm all year round. The days here were already incredibly cold, and my parents informed me it was going to get much, much colder.
I came to find great comfort in the crackling of wood burning in the fireplace, while I listened to the wind as it howled against the windows. I was finding it hard to imagine just how cold winter really could be and I began to feel claustrophobic being locked up inside. I decided I just wasn't built to be a fan of cold and snow.
My worries about the upcoming weather were only shadowed by my concern for my mother's health, which seemed to change day by day. Some days she seemed brighter, healthier, yet other days she lacked energy and she found it difficult to keep any food down. On the good days, she insisted on spending time with me, playing ping pong or working on art.
Then her health would decline and I would feel guilty for making her over do, even though it was she herself that would come up with the activities we would do together. She continued to assure me, it would pass and all would be well again. Dad spent most of his time with mom, relaxing or reading on the bed while mom took her naps, which left a lot of the running of the household to me.

Lucky me, everything on the boat decided to start breaking down almost all at the same time. My handiness skill grew in bounds completing one repair after another. I was also becoming a much better cook. As long as no one minded living off of simple foods like grilled cheese and spaghetti. Luckily neither of my parents complained.

A good portion of my daily routine involved the animals on the property. I always started my day with the chickens, trying to make the rooster lose his cool with all my really bad chicken jokes. So far, I hadn't succeeded, but I would, it was just a matter of time.

Aria and I had become quite good friends and she followed me around the house mewing at me trying to get my attention for a bit of fun.
She continued to sleep in my bed, while Sophie slept in hers.
I gathered that Aria was missing my mother, so I tried to give her as much love as I could in between chores and school work.
With all the attention I was giving Aria, I inadvertently created a war between Sophie and the cat. Aria had decided that I now belonged to her and wouldn't let Sophie anywhere near me. The animosity between the two became very intense at times, and I really didn't know what to do about it.
My mother suggested that I kick Aria out of my room and force her to sleep downstairs again. The suggestion did work and things seemed to calm down between the two, although they were a long way away from being the friends they once were.
After about a month of watching my mother struggle to feel better, we began to see a change. Then as quickly as the illness came, it went. A few days later my mother resumed being caretaker of my school work and I began working with the drafting board for making art.
I rather enjoyed it, as I sat by the fire feeling the warmth, creating one after another. I spent entire days at the table, forgetting everything else while I let my creative ideas flow onto paper. I knew that if I had any real plans to live off the island, this would be my calling. Of that I had no doubt.
It was still the question bouncing around in my mind. Where to live? What to do with my life? It wasn't something I could sit down and discuss with my parents for I knew what the expectation was; to always live on the island. I felt trapped to be honest. Trapped in my father's expectation to want to continue on living in his ideal world. What prompts someone to want to live completely cut off from society? What kind of mate would I find that would want that same thing for themselves? It all seemed impossible and completely overwhelming each time I tried to work it through in my mind.
Then, like they had been reading my mind, my parents came to me with a surprise. In their hand was a round trip ticket to Paris! Finally, I was going to get off this island!! My mother was sending me to Paris to further my education, she said. While there I was to reconnect with all my parents friends they had made during our time there. I was under strict instructions to visit the art gallery and study the work displayed there. She expected I would be ready to make a full report when I returned.
Three full days in Paris! It could have been anywhere as far as I was concerned, just as long as it was off this floating house! I was definitely going to make the most of it and lucky me, my parents were sending me on the first day of winter. I was hopeful that I would miss the worst of the season. When I returned we would be celebrating snowflake day.
Must remember to buy gifts for my parents.
Paris HERE I COME!!!!
I'm excited for Jin & hope he enjoys his trip!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for Jin & hope he enjoys his trip!