The one bright side to all this was Eddy. He was just a wonderful person and was very patient with her while she learned to deal with fans and paparazzi. They spent nearly all their time together in and out of the bedroom. Actually more out of the bedroom than in. Eddy was constantly surrounded by his entourage of people and she found it very hard to spend any special quiet time alone, without someone wanting his attention or walking in on them. She wished she could just spend more time with him alone! Even if that just meant seeing a movie or eating at a restaurant.
Balancing school with all the offers she didn't want to turn down, plus homework and spending time with Eddy was a real challenge and she took it head on. It helped that Eddy was enrolled in a few of her art classes with her. He came to her photo shoots and studied in her room while she painted. Truth be told, she was starting to prefer being in her room with him and the door locked. It was the one place she knew she could just be herself and not worry about paparazzi snapping photos. At least that is what she thought until this happened...
Maya was absolutely mortified! They were play acting in a sense. Maya had an art assignment to do and Eddy being Eddy had easily volunteered. It was a nude sketch she needed to turn in for her sketching class at school, but she wanted to do it a bit differently and sketch a vampire. Not knowing any vampires to ask, Eddy used body makeup and the fake eyes to help her make it more real. They both thought it was in great fun, until Maya went to the store the next day and found this on the magazine stand. Eddy came over from his last class of the day and found her sitting on her bed with her head in her hands.
"Hey, what's up?" Eddy asked her
Without even saying a word, Maya just handed him the open magazine eyes glued to the floor. After looking at it Eddy began to laugh hysterically. Maya's head snapped up.
"This isn't funny Eddy. You're naked! I'm nearly naked! Its a real invasion of privacy! I can't believe this has happened. I still don't know how they even got those shots. Its not like we have any buildings around us and we are on the second floor! We ARE in the middle of the country for pete sakes!"
Eddy walked to the window, holding up the magazine in front of him, and pointed at a tree way off in the field behind the Sorority House.
"My guess would be there" he said pointing to the tree. "Long range lens I would think."
Maya jumped up and after a brief glance outside grabbed a blanket off her bed and started tacking it up across the window.
Eddy reached for her hands. "Relax ok. We weren't doing anything wrong. In fact if I remember correctly", he said wrapping his arms around her, "we did a lot of things right that night. Really right," he said in that low flirty voice of his. "Maybe you need some reminding." He led her to the bed and proceeded to remind her just how right he was.
Later on while they were still lying on the bed, Eddy decided to bring up the topic of the photos to try and ease her discomfort.
"This will be good for you. You'll see" he said while rubbing her back. "This will open doors for you. Everyone is going to want a piece of you now."
"That's great" she said to him. But deep down she wasn't sure if good, was a "good" way to describe this situation at all.
Mod The Sims Poses
by buitefr1
Poor Maya, having a hard time getting used to being a celebrity. Hope it all works out for her.