Midnight Sun Challenge
And Baby Makes 3
Ian felt as if he was walking on air. It was truly amazing how blessed a new life could make one feel, and he could not wait to meet his new baby son or daughter. He was already picking out names and creating a list in his head! He wasn't sure the Chinese custom was for naming a baby, but if possible he would like the child to have one of his parents names. They would have been ecstatic at the news of a grandchild on the way. If only they were here to see it all happen.
Ian spent the next few days daydreaming about life with his very own child. He had visions of playing catch on the island, fishing and reading bedtime stories, while rocking a child to sleep. He would teach the child how to sculpt and Maya could teach painting. He wanted to be the same loving parent his mother had been and the calm, patient man his father had always been. He just couldn't wait.
Ian spent the next few days daydreaming about life with his very own child. He had visions of playing catch on the island, fishing and reading bedtime stories, while rocking a child to sleep. He would teach the child how to sculpt and Maya could teach painting. He wanted to be the same loving parent his mother had been and the calm, patient man his father had always been. He just couldn't wait.
Maya spent the rest of the night and day in a right royal panic. The time frame for her perfect plan had now been greatly reduced and she didn't know how she was going to accomplish it all in the time she had left. She focused all her energy towards her goal and used that sense of panic to keep her on her schedule as best as she could. She painted pictures, turning out completed works quickly and began sculpting with clay; which was something that made Ian very happy. As the days went on it was getting more and more difficult to do with this heavy bulk up in front, but she kept on as best as she could. She purchased a chicken coop to harvest eggs, because she had heard that this particular brand of chickens occasionally laid exotic eggs. She was lucky enough to find three in the first two weeks, which brought her about fifteen hundren simoleons per egg. She didn't tell Ian about the money, but stocked it away in her secret savings for the day she was going to need it.
Since she was already pregnant, Maya had decided to benefit from Ian's lovemaking in the bedroom. She had slowly become more and more comfortable with him but still looked for any signs that trouble was brewing ahead.
Since she was already pregnant, Maya had decided to benefit from Ian's lovemaking in the bedroom. She had slowly become more and more comfortable with him but still looked for any signs that trouble was brewing ahead.
By the time Maya had nearly reached the end of her pregnancy she was exhausted and frustrated at carrying the extra bulk around. Her back and feet ached, her ankles were swollen and she could no longer bend to do any sculpting. Sitting on a stool to paint a picture no longer seemed to work either.
It didn't help that Ian couldn't seem to keep his hands off her, touching her all day long in different little ways. She was feeling quite miserable and completely ready to have this pregnancy end as soon as possible.
It didn't help that Ian couldn't seem to keep his hands off her, touching her all day long in different little ways. She was feeling quite miserable and completely ready to have this pregnancy end as soon as possible.
Ian found her in the kitchen staring out the window and trying to rub the ache in her lower back. He came up behind her and gave her a hug.
"Ian please don't. I'm just not in the mood right now." she said
" Oh really. You know, I have read that sometimes woo hooing brings on delivery. Care to give it a try? Hmmmm?" Then he twirled her into a dip kiss. He was always so good at taking her breath away with his kisses.
"Oh why not?" she said to him, giving him that come hither look she had learned to do so well and crooking her finger at him. "Come show me what you can do!"

Ian was true to his word and their lovemaking did the trick. About two hours later, labour did begin. It was the most excruciating pain Maya had ever felt and vowed she would never feel again.
Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, a healthy baby boy entered into the world with all his ten fingers and ten little toes. They decided to name him Jin in honor of her heritage. Ian felt that it was important that their child knew where he came from. That began by choosing the right Chinese name. Maya was not as concerned that they give their son a Chinese name. Especially not as Ian suggested, that they named him after Maya's father. Ian didn't understand Chinese traditions, and therefore didn't understand that their marriage meant she no longer had a family. But it seemed very important to him.
"He is just a strong and proud man," Ian had said. "He will come around, he's your father. But at least he will have a grandchild in his namesake."
Maya decided to leave it be, for in the end, it really didn't matter and the truth was just too embarrassing to explain. To honor Ian's father, their son was named Jin Charles Bell.
Maya held Jin for a few minutes and passed him over to his father. She headed upstairs to have a shower and there, cried out her heart. He was so beautiful, this little piece of herself and Ian. She cried for all the days ahead and all the heartbreak she knew was inevitable.
Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, a healthy baby boy entered into the world with all his ten fingers and ten little toes. They decided to name him Jin in honor of her heritage. Ian felt that it was important that their child knew where he came from. That began by choosing the right Chinese name. Maya was not as concerned that they give their son a Chinese name. Especially not as Ian suggested, that they named him after Maya's father. Ian didn't understand Chinese traditions, and therefore didn't understand that their marriage meant she no longer had a family. But it seemed very important to him.
"He is just a strong and proud man," Ian had said. "He will come around, he's your father. But at least he will have a grandchild in his namesake."
Maya decided to leave it be, for in the end, it really didn't matter and the truth was just too embarrassing to explain. To honor Ian's father, their son was named Jin Charles Bell.

For the next few days, Maya spent as little time as possible with Jin, focusing on all the tasks she wished to complete. She needed to make as much money as she could to help support herself in her new life. Her paintings were becoming quite popular in the art world and her sculpting skill was advancing faster than she had anticipated. She was quite pleased with herself in that respect.
Staying away from Jin, however, was the hardest thing she ever had to do. He was such a happy little tyke that his giggles just drew you in. She had never seen a happier baby in all her life. Ian had turned out to be quite the good father, although she never had any doubt in that regard. He had put aside all his creative responsibilities to spend all his time with their son.
Ian didn't think he truly could be any happier. This little bundle of wiggling arms and legs had put everything into perspective. Jin was such a giggly little thing, his happiness was infectious and Ian found himself smiling all day long; even when changing those dirty diapers. He couldn't understand what was going on in Maya's mind. Was this some sort of postpartum thing? She didn't seem to want to spend any time with him, passing him over to his father with all kind of excuses about an unfinished painting or sculpture or feeding the chickens. She had also started a garden, which took up more of her time. This just didn't seem like how he imagined a new mother to be and it started his brain working. He thought about his brief time in China. How they had only made love once and didn't that pregnancy come on just a little too fast? He tried to do some research on the internet but there wasn't anything he read that put his mind at ease.
Was it possible the Jin wasn't his? And this was how she was avoiding the issue? He held his son up in front of him to examine his face.

Skin colour was the same as his, as well as hair colour. However, Maya's hair colour was also black, so that made no difference. He thought Jin might have his eyes, but really who could tell on a baby? Did it really matter if he was truly his son? That was the real question here. How would he feel about raising another man's son as his own, never really knowing the truth. Ian took one look into Jin's eyes and snuggled him close. You're mine little one. No matter what. I will love you forever.

Good chapter, makes me want to keep reading!