That's the word Ian used to console himself, from the three miserable days he had just experienced. Between the rain and the terrible fishing, he was really starting to feel quite sorry for himself. He tried to convince himself that it had nothing to do with being lonely; he liked to be alone. No. It was just the universe working against him in the most miserable of ways.
He was feeling quite claustrophobic at this point and frustrated, definitely frustrated. His brilliant plan that worked so brilliantly once the rain had finally stopped had then very quickly fallen apart, mainly because of one big issue. His tiny little secluded island had somehow become party central.
Every night at just about the time he had decided to get up and start his day, a group of people, different every night, would show up and hang out. This was not what he wanted. Didn't he very clearly specify that to the real estate agent when he hired her on?
How was he supposed to prove he could do this all on his own, be on his own, survive on his own if people kept trespassing on his island? If it wasn't the people partying, it was the mourners come to pay their respects, and cry on his dock for hours; grating on his very last nerve.

Whoever it was that had died on this dock, he wished they had the decency to die SOMEWHERE ELSE!
And what was with the rain anyway. It never rained during the day, only at night and he was sure that was the reason for the lack of fish he had been catching. Oh the size of the fish had definitely grown, but not the price. Huge tuna fish were still only getting him five to ten simoleons. What was that about?
Now, as people often do when they are feeling the blues, Ian started wanting a little something to boost his mood. But the frugal person in him justified it as a need, not a want. He had to do something to make more money! So he took his $1100 simoleons and bought himself a computer. It was really time he got working on the writing career anyway.
The microwave? Well, you can't survive on cereal, soup, and bread with jam forever. It would be good for his health, which hadn't been great for the past three days either. Nothing like a fever and runny nose to make an already down in the dumps person feel even more miserable and sorry for themselves. Of course standing out in the rain in your boxer shorts while you fish all night probably didn't help that situation either.
The computer purchase caused a bit of a snag...

The only computer he could afford was a very large table model which meant he had no place to eat. But he figured that with no one around to see, what did it really matter. It did make him think about finally taking the time to clean the toilet though.
So with his new computer and new microwave, Ian was feeling quite chipper and worked steadily until he mastered his current painting. It was a beautiful rendition of his family farmhouse in the country and he was tempted to keep it, but decided that he could always paint another. So he sent it to the shipping box. He hoped that someone else looked upon it and had fond memories of times past in their own life. He was surprised when he found out the painting sold for ninety six simoleons, especially since it was such a small painting! Nothing like gaining back spent money!
Which brings him back to the beginning. Somewhere he remembered his mother teaching him something about counting and chickens....Oh yeah, don't count your chickens before they hatch, sort of thing. While he slept, Ian was robbed! The robber stole the kitchen sink and the toilet which at least, were both clean. But still!! So if you see this man...
lock up your sinks and toilets; cause apparently he's not interested in computers. Kind of a strange fetish don't you think?? So money earned, quickly became money spent.
And all Ian could think when he finally went to sleep was....

Man I could really use a cup of coffee!!
Thanks for reading!
The person who died on the dock- that could be something real interesting you could do for one of your posts when it returns back to Ian. Must be someone famous perhaps?
ReplyDeleteI like the description of the robber ;)
Definitely something to think about for sure!
ReplyDeleteThis chapter had me giggling all the way through! (Oh my last name on google is a cross of my maiden and married names that is why it is different than on FB.)