#Midnight Sun Challenge
Ian's Just Getting Started
"So as you can see Mr Bell, I've been able to get several more shots of the subject since we spoke last."
"He really does know how to dig his own hole now doesn't he. Such an ass! I can't believe women like this kind of thing. What does that say about women who fall for this bad boy type. Abuse me, mistreat me. Treat me like shit and I will love you all the more?"
"I don't know Mr. Bell. I'm as baffled as you to be honest. My mother raised me better than this."
"Maybe that is part of the point then. Eddy didn't have a mother, or atleast one that cared even a little bit for him. If she did she wouldn't have abandoned him the way she did."
"My mother has a term for men like him. Man whore to be exact. My sources tell me he has been visiting a certain spa. Sometimes as much as twice a day. This is on top of his relationship with Ms. Belle, his little tryst with the Montegrande daughter and all his late night visits to the bar. Explains his previous employment though."
Ian snapped his head up from looking at the pics and stared at the man. "What previous employment?"
"That's the best part. I've recently found out that Eddy used to be a male prostitute for the Kama Simptra spa in Sunset Valley. Guess he stumbled into it at the age of 16 during one of his visits to his aunt and uncle. He managed to work there most of the summer before they found out and kicked him out of their house. By that time he had become a level eight prostitute, so the spa set him up with a place of his own to do his secret rendezvous work out of. Apparently he is quite well known in the upper class in that town. Quite the embarrassment for his aunt and uncle who are the leaders of the town.
"So when did it stop?" Ian asked.
"Well that is a good question now isn't it. Maybe he hasn't. Eddy was doing quite well for himself until he lost most of it in Monte Vista at the card tables. I've had a look at his financial papers and he is in debt up to his eyeballs."
"But I don't understand. The band has been doing so well, partially because of my silent support."
"Ah yes. But with Eddy's unpaid debt, the band expenses and just general life expenses, they are barely just making it. The band manager has been making sure that the band mates are paid very well to keep them from getting suspicious. But here is the rub for Eddy. The guy that Eddy owes all this money to-is the band manager Jerry!"
"You're kidding me!"
Luke laughed. "I kid you not."
"So the evil mastermind has been found. One would have to wonder then...is Eddy still hooking?"
"That I am still trying to find out. This franchise of Kama Simptra spas is very difficult to get any information on. My guess would be yes. Hopping from one spa to the next, depending on which town he is in. But I can't quite confirm that."
"Hmmm. And would he be still sniffing around after my wife, if he didn't have such a debt hanging over his head. He obviously hasn't convinced her or even asked for any money yet. Any idea what the interest rate on the debt is?"
Luke told him and Ian whistled. "That's is a big chunk of change. He is dug in real deep at that rate."
"So what do you want to do with this information then?"
Ian considered that for a moment. "I think we will sit on it for now. We may need it in the future when it might better help us."
"You're the boss, " Luke replied.
Luke left the house and Ian took a few more moments to look through the photos again. This guy was just such a jerk. He tried to find some empathy for him but he just couldn't. There was just no excuse for his attitude, his treatment of women and this kind of life for oneself. He just could not understand what his wife was thinking. He wondered if her traditional Chinese upbringing had anything to do with it. Or perhaps those few years with her first husband had been more traumatic on her than even she knew. He put the pictures back in the envelope and threw it in his briefcase, so that Jin wouldn't see them.

His plan was unfolding quite well. So far he had managed to stay in town and accomplish everything without being seen by Maya. But that was going to change very shortly. Tonight was Maya's unveiling of her mural at the hospital. He was going to try and be there if possible. He had heard it was going to be quite the turn out. If that was the case, he could definitely blend in. After that, everything was going to change. He was going to start, by fixing a mistake he made at the beginning of his relationship with Maya.
"Hey Jin!" he called to his son. "Want to look at the photo album of mommy?"
"Yeah. Mommy," Jin replied.
CC Used In This Chapter
Ian's House -Created by me
Cant wait to see how much Jin has grown. Will we also see the mural Maya did? That would be great. You know, you could do a building and set it up like a hospital, have some sims in scrubs. If you ever need an art museum Im working on one right now that I could upload for you. Poor Eddy! Goodness I feel bad for him. That's some horrible stuff. Reminds me of this book I read that mentioned atrocities like that. Now, Luke...is he a singer or a Private Investigator? Sil
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see Jin all grown up. I think for a sim he will be gorgeous! Luke is a private detective.