Maya was a big bundle of nerves. This afternoon was her mural unveiling and if these butterflies didn't go away, she wasn't going to make it to her own party. It was one thing to paint it and leave it for all to see everyday. It was another to have it be a part of a large grand opening party where it could be critiqued by all. She had never really shown her talent like this before and she wondered if all artists felt this way before being featured in some way. Or was this just a sign of her own insecurity? She knew she had talent! Butterflies please go away!
She had been pacing the formal living room for the past hour and she still had another hour to go. The house was empty; Malcolm at school, Nancy and Geoffrey were at work. The silence was deafening and had her mind wandering to all kinds of negative thoughts. What if they removed the sheet and everyone laughed? Or said "That's what we paid for?" Perhaps she could hide somewhere in the back of the room. That way if people really hated it, she could duck out of the hospital quickly without being seen.
She really must stop this line of thoughts before she made herself throw up. She was just going to pop into the washroom to check her appearance again for the umpteenth time, when she heard the doorbell ring. Maya took a deep breath, tried to calm her nerves and went to answer the door.
"Happy unveiling day!" the Meir sisters all shouted in unison.
"I'm so happy to see you. Come in!"
"Oh my." said Lady Michele. "You look positively pale. What's the matter? Nerves getting the best of you?"
"Oh, maybe a little" Maya replied. Charlotte gave her a hug.
"That's silly!" Lady Maria snatched up her hands to comfort her. "You are going to do great."

"Lady Maria! You cut your hair!" said Maya
"Do you like it?"
"Yes! I think it looks very flattering."
"Why thank you. Now what can we do about those nerves?" asked Maria.
"Oh, I don't know. I mean, how bad could it really be?" said Maya.

"Exactly. Of course they could do the reveal, everyone could hate it and you will be known across the world as the worst artist in history. But hey, no biggy!"
"Brenda Lee!" remarked Lady Michele. "That is not helpful!"
"Hey, I'm just saying," replied Brenda
Maya burst into laughter. "No. Actually it is helpful. Thank you Lady Brenda."
Lady Brenda gave Lady Michele a smirk that said See!
'Laughter is the best medicine. Or so Collette told me before the fashion show. She was right. Kept me from throwing up on her beautiful gowns."

"I'm sure the mural is beautiful. How could it not be? You painted it!" remarked Lady Charlotte.
"How do I look?" asked Maya. "It's not supposed to be formal. Especially since quite a few people coming, will just be getting off work at the hospital. But I didn't want to look too dressed down either."
"You look fine dear. Very appropriate I think. A suit wouldn't do because it is too businesslike and a dress would be too formal. So I think this is just right" replied Lady Michele, with a nod of her head.
"One more thing," said Lady Charlotte. "I think it would be most appropriate if, when we are alone, you drop the 'Lady' in front of our names. Much too formal for friends when speaking to one another."
"Sisters" piped up Maria
"I, I would like that. Thank you," replied Maya feeling very honored.
"I think it might soon be time to go. We are under strict instructions from Nancy to pick you up and take you with us,"said Maria.
"And to stay with you through the event since Nancy herself will be busy making sure everything goes as planned," said Brenda. "But I think she just wants us to make sure you don't faint or dash out unseen in fear."
"Brenda!" the sisters all said in unison.
Maya looked astonished, then laughed. Which then lead all four sisters to laughing with her, as they left the house and climbed into the limousine. She would be fine now. Especially since she had the support of the sisters by her side.
The event turned out to be larger than she thought, which did nothing for the butterflies in her stomach, that were multiplying by the minute. The actual party was being held in the cafeteria, on the floor below where the new children's wing had been added. The ribbon cutting ceremony to the wing was going to be happening right after the speeches were made, giving thanks to all that had been involved in the planning and construction of the wing. Maya had already had her unveiling of the mural for the press, who had been brought up before the ceremony to take pictures with her and the mural. After the ribbon cutting, the guests would be free to wander the wing, look in all the rooms and see her painting. Even though she had already had a private unveiling for the press, who were full of praise, she was still a nervous wreck. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched and kept casually looking around to see if she could see anyone looking her way. No matter how many times she looked, she didn't see anyone paying her any attention. It was then, Nancy called her to the front to make a short speech.
"I am pleased to present the artist of the beautiful mural in the children's wing. Miss Maya Wang."
"Thank you Nancy. I would like to take a moment to thank the board of directors and the hospital staff for this amazing opportunity. I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this new expansion project to the hospital. I hope that my mural will give hope and comfort to all the children for years to come. Special, special thanks to Geoffrey and Nancy Landgraab, for giving me a place to stay while here in Sunset Valley and a home for Christmas. I have made many new friends here that I will cherish for years to come. Thank you."
Then that was it. Nancy cut the ribbon being held by the mayor of the city, and people began to file into the wing. Maya tried to hang back and let everyone through first but the sisters wouldn't hear of it. Grabbing her by each arm, they gently guided her into the wing.
"Oh I love it!" cried Maria. "How magical!"
"It is very beautiful! I so wish I could paint like that!" said Michele.
"Hmmmm." Brenda leaned in and peered closely at the mural. "I think you missed a spot."
"Oh my gosh! Where?" Maya said in a panic.
"I'm just kidding Maya! Relax."
"I love the colors dear!" said Charlotte. "Well done!"
"Yes! Well done too," said Maria
"Thank you Ladies. That means a great deal to me! Lady Brenda, what do you think?" Maya asked anxiously.
"I think it needs a couple fire breathing dragons and maybe a troll - Ouch!!" Lady Michele had pinched her arm and gave her a look.
"Ok, Ok," said Brenda. "I think it will be loved by all!"
Maya breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, she didn't really care if the rest of the world liked it. She had already gotten praise from the four best people she could have asked for.
"Group hug," said Lady Maria.
Across the room, Ian smiled at the group as they laughed and joked in friendship. This was good for Maya. The love and praise she was receiving would do wonders for her self esteem. The mural was certainly beautiful. She had done a wonderful job, and he was really proud of her! He was happy, he had the foresight to pass the job off to her and bring her to Sunset Valley. Maya did seem different. The same loving, kind woman she always had been, but stronger, more confident.
Tomorrow night was the art gallery exhibit where she would be debuting a painting at the gallery, along with several other artists. He had already seen it and couldn't believe how far her painting skills had come from her classes at university. Tomorrow night, was going to be a big night for Maya. She just didn't know it yet...and he couldn't wait. Ian left the hospital wing laughing and whistling. Tomorrow night, he said to the stars when he had reached the sidewalk outside. It was as if he was telling his father, who after all his tutelage on women, would be proud of everything he had done.
There it was again. That feeling! Maya turned around and searched the faces in the crowd, determined to find out who it was. But she couldn't see anyone looking her way, and as quick as the feeling came, it went. Leaving her with a sense of loss, she just couldn't explain.
CC Used In This Chapter
Lady Charlotte Meirs (Started as a sim from Metens called Spencer)
Lady Brenda Lee (created by my bestie PSTll0)
Lady Maria's Hair by Anto
Lady Charlotte's Hair by Cazy
Lady Michele's Hair
Lady Brenda Lee's Hair
"I think you missed a spot"...hehehe that one was my favourite!! Omg Bmit! I loved this one!! You even added my haircut into it *a little tear in my eye* that was so thoughtful :D The only thing to 'critique' is that the first mention of Maria is spelled Marie. The part on Ian, who was thinking of his father was very sweet and touching. I wanted to jump into the game and hug Ian. I cant believe how superficial I was at first, and I feel like I did the same thing Maya did: like we didn't know what we had. I will now have my timeout in the corner until Ive thought what I did wrong ;) Bravo!!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying not to make Ian seem too sappy. It's hard writing from a man's perspective not being a man myself!
ReplyDeleteHi Bmit I loved this one. great job!!!! ;-D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Maya is getting the recognition that she deserves and I'm glad that Ian is there keeping an eye out for her every step of the way. Ian seems very thoughtful & kind. What most women want a man to be. That doesn't make him less masculine!