Friday 15 May 2015

#Midnight Sun Challenge Chapter 2.9 Come Back Sophie!

Saturday morning, I woke up early all excited about spending the day outside playing with Sophie, swimming in the ocean and just lazing about in general.  No school work, no chores, not even any dance practice.  Mom had just given me a book about water colour painting, and I thought I could sit on the beach and read it while Sophie played in the sand.

I rushed downstairs to scarf down some breakfast, so I could get outside before it got to be way too hot.  I looked in the cats bed, but Sophie wasn't there, so I just assumed she had gone outside to do her morning business.  Breakfast finished, and dishes put away, yet Sophie had not returned to the  house.  I figured she had probably met up with Meeko the raccoon to play, so I went in search of her. An hour later I couldn't find her and in a panic I ran into the house screaming my dad's name for help.

Mom and dad were still in bed, as it was still quite early, but they both got up, dressed and help me search for my beloved friend. 

Mom searched the house and dad went outside.  I was really upset and desperately trying not to cry when mom came downstairs. She led me over to the bench, sat down and pulled me into her arms.
I did cry then and cried very hard.  

"What if she is gone?  Where could she be?  What if someone came to take her too like they did the horses?"

Mom held me tight and told me that Sophie had to be somewhere.

"Sophie is here.  Dad will find her Jin, have faith.  I'm sure she is just sleeping somewhere and doesn't hear anyone calling her.  It's going to be okay."

"But Sophie can't swim!  What if she fell in the water and got swept away by a current!  Maybe we should go out on the boat to look for her!"

"Sophie is scared of the water.  She would never go into the water so I don't think that is really a concern."

"But if she's not in the house, and she's not any where on the island, it's the only explanation.  Isn't it?"

"Jin, there is a lot of water out there.  Where would we start looking?"

"Wait! I know!"

I raced upstairs to the third level and climbed up my tree house to have a good look around. 

By now three hours had passed since I had started looking for Sophie, but I was trying really hard not to lose hope.  I couldn't lose Sophie too, I needed her, she was my only friend!  I guess dad must have had the same thought as I did, because from my tree house I could see dad up in the lighthouse looking around too.  I saw him come down and head back to the house, so I slid down and raced back downstairs.

I met him in the kitchen where he was getting himself something to eat.

"Did you find her?" I asked.

"No Jin.  I'm sorry.  I just need to get something to eat and then I will go back out."

"EAT?  How can you eat?  Sophie is missing and you want to eat?  You need to find her dad!"

"I will Jin.  I just need time to think where else she could be that I haven't looked."

"Sophie is probably hungry!  We need to find her dad.  If you cared about Sophie you wouldn't stop to eat!" I screamed.

"Jin Charles Bell!  You need to go to your room and calm down. Go."

I stomped to my room and plunked myself down in my chair.  I knew I had stepped over the line the minute I said it, but sometimes I just couldn't help myself.  Sophie could be anywhere.  She could be scared, she could be hurt.  She was most definitely very hungry and he was taking time to eat to fill his stomach!  Where could she be?

Aria came in, jumped up onto my lap and began purring. 

I rubbed her back while I complained about the situation into her ear.  I don't know if Aria knew what was going on or if she just saw that I was upset and wanted to make me feel better.  It wasn't like her to climb into my lap for attention, so I thought she might be worried too.  I asked her if she knew where Sophie was, but she didn't make any motions that she understood.  Wouldn't that just have been so easy?  Lost dog-just ask the cat.  

I was trying really hard not to cry again.  I guess I should go down and apologize to dad, I thought.  But just as I was getting up, I heard my mom yell.  I went racing down the steps.  There dad was holding a very smelly Sophie!!

I was so happy to see her, but dad asked me to wait until he could give her a bath.  He said he didn't know what she had gotten into but it really stunk, so into the bath she went.

I think Sophie was just as happy to have a bath as dad was to give her one and she certainly smelled better afterward! 

 I gave her a good brushing to smooth out her coat and make her soft like she was before.  

Sophie had hurt her front paw and wasn't walking very well, so dad said we would probably have to carry her a bit for the next couple of days.  He said behind the lighthouse between it and the fence, there was a small pile of rocks that the workmen had probably left when the built the lighthouse.  Sophie had gotten her paw trapped when a rock moved and shifted onto her paw.  He had heard her whimpering when he went back up the hill.  

He said he was heading back out to remove the rocks and throw them into the water so that it could never happen again.  Mom wondered what she could have been doing up there and dad replied that he figured she had to have been following Meeko.  Otherwise why would she be up there at all.

Later that day we snapped a family photo, minus Aria who wouldn't sit for us, so we would remember this day and always be grateful for what we have.

We all look a little tired from our experience!  

ThanX to all my readers and friends for following along with the story!  Now just below you can leave me a little comment by clicking on No Comments or the little pencil (depending on if you are first) and perhaps click on the G+1 to recommend me to the public! Plus if you enter in your email up top (totally private no worries) you can receive alerts when there is a new post.  You are the best!!

Poses Used In This Chapter

Daddy's Girl Pose Pack by SimMadMeg

Sit in by Shokobiene


  1. I'm happy Sophie made it back home, I loved this chapter also. great job B!!!!!

    1. This was a hard chapter to write! Thank you!

  2. What a beautiful Family!!! Love them!

  3. So happy Sophie was found! Great story, I'm really enjoying it!
