Sometime in the middle of the night, we were all woken by colourful lights that flashed brightly into our home but seemed to have no origin or cause. My father's search of the skies from the third floor deck showed him nothing, as his vision was hindered by the intensity of the light and he couldn't see anything beyond a few feet in front of him.
They flashed in the sky for about a minute then, as quickly as they came, they were gone.
I just stood there frozen. For my little mind, I had just about enough of all this craziness. Was it magic? Was it ghosts? Or now, was it aliens? At that moment, I wasn't sure I wanted to live on the island anymore. Too freaked to sleep in my own bed, I climbed in with my parents and spent the rest of the night with them.
We all slept in quite late the next morning, exhausted from our night time excitement and lack of ability to fall back to sleep right away after the "whatever" was gone. I jumped out of bed realizing that Boots would be crying for her bottle. I ran outside, completely forgetting my fright from the night before and went in search of my beloved pet. She was in her stall, right where she had been put the night before, but Aurora and Cherry were not. I let a very frantic Boots out of her stall and immediately gave her the bottle.
Together we went outside in search of the other horses, but no where could they be found. Boots kept whinnying, as if looking for them, but no horse came.
I ran inside to tell dad and he came out to look with me, yet as I already found out, there were no horses to be found. I was devastated!
Boots didn't know what to do without herself without her horse friends, so she followed me wherever I went, like a puppy follows it's master. No matter where I went she wouldn't leave my side, and when I went in the house, she stood at the dock loudly crying for me. I asked dad if she could just come in the house to sleep with us, but he said she needed to learn to be on her own and it was all part of growing up as a wild horse. I don't have to tell you how that made me feel! Dad led her to her stall and locked her in for the night. I prayed she would be there in the morning.
Bedtime came and we were all tucked in for the night...or so we thought. Sometime around three in the morning, I was woken by a very loud sound I had never heard before. The wailing, screeching sound hurt my ears and I covered them with my hands to save my hearing. I walked out of my room and saw my dad racing down the stairs with a look of anger on his face. I ran after him, along with my mother to see a police officer battling it out with a woman dressed in black and white. It took me a second to realize....that we were being robbed! While my dad shouted encouragement to the police officer, I looked on in terrified and shocked dismay.
Robbed? All the way out here? Where did the police officer come from and how did she get here so quickly? It just can't be! Luckily, the police officer won, our items were returned and the bad, uh, woman was escorted out in handcuffs and off the island.
Oh I forgot to mention that when the woman broke into our house, she either let in a deer, or one followed her in.
Funny thing is, Sophie slept through the whole thing.
"Some guard dog you are Sophie," I said to her, sleeping on the cats bed.
"Perhaps the deer would make a better guard animal!"
My parents sent me back to bed, but shortly after, I tiptoed into their room and slept on their couch, too scared to be in my room alone. Who knew what would happen next on this crazy island?
The days following the robbery went on as normal. I stayed close to my parents as much as I could, too afraid to be alone on the island. Mom suggested some art therapy, and asked me to paint something that showed how I was feeling. I thought about it for a bit, staring at the canvas and this is what came out of me.
When I was finished mom said it was good to acknowledge how I was feeling, because when I did that I could start facing my fears and gain back some of the safety and security I had felt on the island before all these scary moments. She said it was always good to be cautious, but that I needed to remember the island was home and we should always feel safe at home.
"Remember all the good things about the island," she said. "Maybe your next painting could be about that."
I really tried to focus on that and began venturing out more on my own. I spent some time up in the lighthouse standing at my art easel, trying to think of what I wanted to paint next. I felt safe up there for some reason, I didn't know why. Perhaps it was because I was like the king of the castle looking down on my kingdom, and no one hurts the king. Right?
Thing is, I was wrong, so wrong.
Two nights later, the bright lights returned while Maya and I were still cleaning up in the kitchen. This time I needed to know where they were coming from so I raced to the door only to run smack into an alien who was just about to knock. He held out his hand in an awkward attempt to greet me as humans do and I shook his hand. But my thoughts were directed elsewhere, as you can see.
Damn Ian -focus!
"Good evening," said the alien.
At this point I'm still trying to come to grips with the fact that standing in front of me is a real live alien. You hear about them, people talk about them, but you can go your whole life and never see one. In fact there is a whole movement out there of sims trying to debunk the alien theory, which unfortunately meant labeling sims crazy, if they admitted to seeing one.
What does one say to an alien? Greetings from planet Sim? Welcome to our planet? Something life altering of course, but what do I say?
"Hello." Brilliant Ian.
"I've come to apologize," said the alien. "We had no idea anyone had taken over living on the island."
"We haven't been here that long actually. Only a few months," I replied.
"You see we use the island for it's magical properties, to house our horses that belong to the uh, well you would call them royalty I suppose. We leave them here as foals and return for them when they mature."
"So you are responsible for the two horses that went missing the other day?"
"Yes, it was time for them to come home. We've returned for the last horse."
"Oh please no!" I said. "My son, he is very found of that horse. He named her Boots and has been taking great care of her. They have become the best of friends. Must you take her? I could compensate you for her."

"I'm glad to hear she has been well taken care of but I am sorry. She is property to our leader and must return home. But we will be leaving more horses over time and perhaps your son-"

"No! No. I know that you come and go from your world but in my world, Planet Sim, I own this island. If you can't leave me one small horse, then none others shall be left here either!"
"I'm very sorry you feel that way. It may take some time, to get that request put through but I will get back to you when I have an answer for you," said the alien.
"I don't think you are hearing me correctly. This is not a request. No more horses, not on my land. I don't ever want to see you or any others of your kind here again."
With that, I walked back in the house and slammed the door. I was so mad, I even went so far as to turn off the light. Okay, yes I know, Jin gets it from me. Probably not the best move, making an enemy out of an alien, but it was for Jin. For him, I would do anything!
Maya met me in the kitchen.
"What are we going to tell Jin?" she asked. "He will be heartbroken!"
"I don't know. I really don't know."
ThanX to all my readers and friends for following along with the story! Now just below you can leave me a little comment by clicking on No Comments or the little pencil (depending on if you are first) and perhaps click on the G+1 to recommend me to the public! Plus if you enter in your email up top (totally private no worries) you can receive alerts when there is a new post. You are the best!!
CC Used In This Chapter
Contemporary Carpet 12 by PralineSims
(In Foyer)
Jin's Hair-Joey by Cazy
Wisteria Pattern by marcorse
(In master bedroom on bed and walls)
Hi B, great job, poor Jin will be heart broken if he loses the horse.
ReplyDeleteHey Sandy! My little Jin has some hard lessons to learn!
DeleteI wonder, if Ian will get through with this. Perhaps the Alien has not only interests in horses. Poor Jin and poor Boots too.
ReplyDeleteOh...poor little Jin...
ReplyDeleteNot sure Ian handled the situation well, but poor Jin is not going to be very happy. The foal either, I'm sure it will miss Jin as well.