After travelling the rest of the night and the whole next day, I finally arrived at the home of Sylvia Monty, where I would be staying till July or sooner, if things at home became settled. When the unfortunate incident (my parent's words) happened on the beach with Sun, my mom made a few phone calls and I was sent to live with Sylvia to keep her company. She was recently widowed from a long time marriage to Valentine Monty, and their son had been looking for a companion for his mother, to keep an eye on her and help her where needed. I would not be coming home till the results of the test determined paternity, and possibly not even then, depending on what the results said.
My heart ached with missing Sun, but I would play along for now.
When I arrived at the Monty home, I found the house to be pitch dark with only a tiny light on in the kitchen. Sylvia had left me a note on the counter saying she was sorry for not being home but to help myself to something to eat. She was sure there was a microwave meal or two in the freezer.
Not quite the welcoming I was looking for, but I made the meal and ate in silence at the dining room table.
It was creepy being alone in a house you didn't know. So I went through the house flipping on lights and checking things out. I found what I thought to be a guest bedroom on the second floor, simply furnished with a bed and two night stands. No personal items at all. When I stepped through an
This did not make any sense. Why did a woman who was obviously perfectly capable of climbing two flights of stairs, with a party room and who wasn't even home to greet me need a companion? It wasn't like she was some feeble old woman. She obviously had a life of her own, simply because she wasn't even home. Probably out partying somewhere else!
Off to the side of the party room, I noticed a couple of patio doors that led onto a balcony and I decided to head outside to see if I could get the lay of the neighbourhood. I pulled open the door, stepped out and froze! Now in my defense I have never seen a ghost before. That was scary enough, but then the ghost began to speak!

"Oh hello! You must be Jin. My name is-"
I threw up my hands in panic and ran back into the room. I ran into the guest room and slammed the door. Climbing into bed, I threw the covers up over my head and heard nothing until a female voice was saying my name.
"Jin? Jin, its time to wake up now."
Wake up? Its still pitch dark! And also really stuffy! Oh, right. I peeked my head out from under the covers, to a sun lit room and a grey haired woman standing by the door.
"Morning sleepy head. I'm Sylvia and I'm really happy to have you here. I hear you met my husband last night."
"Husband," I yawned. "No, no one was here last night. Just some ghost!"
Sylvia laughed. "Yup that's him. I take it you have never met a ghost before? Well no matter, get up and come down for breakfast. You don't want to be late for your appointment at the school." Then she began to close the door.
Huh? "Wait! Sylvia, did you say school?"
"Yes you have a 9 o'clock appointment at the school to get registered. Chop chop!" Then she closed the door and walked away.
School? I hadn't counted on that turn of events. I was tempted to lay back down and throw the covers up over my head, but that would be rude, so I got up. Dragged my feet all the way downstairs but was greeted by the scent of blueberry pancakes! My fav! Once I finished, Sylvia gave me directions and shoved me out the door. I got half way to the school, when I realized, it was actually Sunday.
The school was literally around the corner and down the block so it took me no time to get there. I was greeted outside by a teacher.
"Jin? Hi, I'm Miss Meirs. Thank you for coming to see me on a weekend. I just wanted to make sure we had you all settled for your first day of school tomorrow. Come with me."
She led me into this big office and instructed me to sit down.
"So tell me all about your mom and dad. How are they doing?"
At first I thought that was a really odd question to be asking, then I struggled to remember her name and it hit me.
"Wait are you Lady Meirs? Should I have like, bowed or something?" I started to stand.
Miss Meirs laughed. "I figured you didn't remember me and no to the bowing, if you please. In fact, other than a few staff here, no one knows who I really am, certainly not the kids and I would like to keep it that way if you don't mind."
"I don't understand. Why?" I asked
"Well, I moved here from Sunset Valley to take this position and I just feel I would like to be treated the same as everyone else for a change. Does that make any sense?"
I nodded, "I won't say a word."
"Ah, Jin. You were such a cute little baby. We certainly missed you when you left. So now you are here. Let's look at your file, which is really thin by the look of it. Did you not attend school at all?"
"No, and I had no idea I was going to be now either. My parents tutored me and until now they thought that was enough!"
"Well, I must say they did do a really good job. Normally kids in your circumstance would need an extra year to catch up, but as it is, I don't see you needing to take anything on top of what is required for the last half of this year. Plus, I will get to see you everyday. I teach history, which for your schedule is last period."
"Aren't you, the principal?"
"Oh, no! Just a teacher who fills in where needed when we get new students. Now Mr. Bell, we shall see you tomorrow."
She stood and I slowly rose from my seat. During our talk I had been glancing at the painting on the wall behind her and I was curious who painted it.
Walking around her desk, I looked more closely at the painting.
"This is one of my mother's! I recognize this field in France."

She sighed. "Anyway Jin, I really must be going. Good luck on your first day. Any trouble, just let me know."
I walked back to Sylvia's house practically stomping with every step. School? Are you frickin kidding me? In seven months I will be 18. Free to do whatever I wish. Fine, I get why they sent me away. But school? C'mon! Even if I flunked every class it made no difference to the rest of my life. I wonder what would happen if I just don't go? Parents are so far away, what are they going to do!
Later that afternoon the phone rang and when I answered it, Lady Meirs was on the line.
"Hey Jin. I'm heading out to my cousin's ranch and I thought you might like to come. You can meet her daughter Cameron. She is your age and then you would have someone you knew for school tomorrow."
I agreed and she came to pick me up. Sometime in the night while we all slept, a light layer of snow fell and even though the sun had been shining all day, it hadn't gotten warm enough to fully melt the snow. Funny how I never noticed the cold this morning!
When I got there I was greeted by a horse in the driveway that gave me a stare that was scarier than a guard dog! Inch by inch, I made my way up to the horse and let it sniff my hand.
Then Lady Meirs handed me a treat to feed him and all of a sudden I had a new best friend.
When I met Honor, I was surprised to see how much she looked just like Lady Maria. They could almost be sisters, right down to the colour of their hair.
"Jin so nice to meet you. My husband is out there in the field with the new baby horse. He will come up later. I'm afraid Cameron isn't here yet. Would you like to help me by brushing out Chardonnay while you wait?"
"Uh, sure. But I don't know how."
"Just like this," she replied, showing me on an older colt that was in the barn. "You can usually find Chardonnay out front guarding the drive. I don't know why he does that, he just does," she said shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head.
As I walked away I heard Lady Maria say to Honor, "Just like you! Determined to make everyone a horse person aren't you." Then Honor laughed and said "yup!"
Chardonnay was quite agreeable to a brushing and he never
complained so I must have done it right. Just as I was finishing, Cameron showed up and brought me upstairs.
"Wow! You are just drop dead gorgeous!" Ouch! Did I really say that out loud?
Cameron laughed. "Uh, thank you? I don't think I have ever really been complimented quite like that before. It almost sounded like it was an unbelievable notion." She shook her head with a smile.
"No, I mean. You are gorgeous. Of course you are gorgeous. I mean, have you seen your mom?"
"No actually I haven't. I'm adopted Jin. But I think Honor would be happy to know you thought I was hers. They haven't been blessed with children so far."
"I'm sorry. I guess you can tell I just don't have that much experience talking to girls."
"Really? Cause after living away from civilization, I would have thought you would be a real natural!" Then she gave me a face and I began to relax.
"Do you pillow fight?" she asked.
I laughed. "Do I pillow fight? Better than you I bet!" I groaned, shut up Jin!
"Well you are on!" She raced up to her parents bedroom and I followed her like the idiot I was.

I learned two things that day. One, Cameron had a very fun personality and two, she was really mean with a pillow!
We spent the rest of the day just hanging out in her parents room, laughing over stupid stuff and talking about what school was going to be like.

That night I went to bed, feeling a little better about the school thing. I mean its still a waste of time, but at least I wouldn't be friendless there.
CC Used In This Chapter
Cameron Sims by ddutoit
Honor by BMiT04
Lady Maria by BMiT04
(pictured here as Adult, YA in studio)
Cameron- CLICK Honor-CLICK Lady Maria-CLICK Jin-CLICK
Cameron's dress-CLICK Honor's Dress-CLICK
Uh oh, I wonder what will happen with Sun if Jin finds that he would rather be with Cameron? In a way, I think Jin was really young and inexperienced to have committed so seriously to Sun. But I don't want Sun to get hurt; she's too sweet and has been through a lot. Oh dear *hand wringing* I really look forward to what will happen next! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd your sims are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you RM! Don't fret just yet!
DeleteThank you RM! Don't fret just yet!
DeleteOh WOW!! Lucky me. I am very honoured that you liked Cameron and used her in your story. How cool :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting chapter to say the least. I can't wait to see what Jin thinks of school.